WHAT WILL Coming Anytime During this FOCUSED 30 DAY PERIOD ENTAIL?
More important question...what do YOU want? Come for the full 4 weeks, 3 weeks, for 2 weeks or for 1 week...ANY you choose will help you get clearer, happier, and freer from what is within causing you unhappiness, and stress! It is all still the same low price!
WELL, we have begun...and YOU are still invited! It doesn't need to take a lot of time to turn something that is upside down, right side up in your life...from within. Even though we have begun with those who wanted to take advantage of the ENTIRE 30 Days for releasing momentum...with me, you can still come..jump in, benefit, and get clear on things that are causing you suffering in your life. I will be your guide.
EVERYTHING as it is all a DIVINE PLAN--regardless of how it looks at the moment! We refuse, we fight, we reject, we are stubborn and we will not accept things as they are...this is our suffering. It makes no difference if you are new to your path or if you are a 'veteran' in your spiritual journey...all have moments when LOVE does not prevail and lead their lives. Whether you have studied with others, or not...all are welcome for surrender is the core of all transformation and change. More of this is always better for our world within and without. It is all love wanting to be expressed through you.
Who should attend--and at ANYTIME during this month: A few questions for you:
Is self-doubt and confusion running you around?
Are you stuck in an area in your life?
Do you find yourself exhausted and overwhelmed?
Is your relationship hanging by a thread and you are on an emotional roller-coaster?
Did you experience the downturn in your life, business, work, finances, relationships, and is your place in the world feeling shaky?
Are you caught in the 'seeking' or 'why doesn't the law of attraction work for me' game?
Are you feeling spiritually stuck, depressed, believing that 'you will never wake up'?
Is there a crisis in your life or a spiritually-oriented crises of spirit, intention, self-belief, or disillusionment?
Are you faced with wanting to know your passion, purpose, and direction in your life...due to CHANGES?
People are going through so much at this time...reinventing themselves, starting over, down-sizing, and simplifying...while coming back to their own heart's work...and back to their true purpose.
So, what is it for YOU? What do you want to change or accomplish in your own life. What is the boulder in your way, blocking your heart, or keeping you stuck? We will address ALL of this on this transformational MONTH!
We all need to tell the truth. There will be a lot of that this next month and it is all private...for you don't even need to say your name!
A typical journey through our day, week, month, or year, has the same elements: emotions, belief systems, decisions, challenges, conditioning, new directions, and so much more. It is a journey from our head--to our heart.
Have you seen some of these experiences in the photographs in your own life? Have you gotten up in the morning and looked in the mirror...and didn't know WHO YOU ARE? Life, you, the world is changing!
Would you like to unhook from whatever it is that is slowing down your ability to be happy, handle things better, being more calm, and living with more joy? often looks as if we spend more time in the cocoon than we do as the butterfly...but spiritual awakening is the most powerful, and often the most challenging journey you will have in this lifetime. It takes courage, it takes a willingness and open-mindedness...and a powerful matter what!
This month is about that 'YES' and now that we are in the SPRING, and the metaphor of the Easter resurrection has passed, this is the time for the deeper inner 'spring cleaning'. It is time for the true transformation--waking up to more of your own self-love, compassion, and love.
As you see the various photographs to the right...see where you might recognize what is pulling at you, and distracting you from your own self-love?
You can call me directly for a 10 minute connection, to see if you want to join me for the month
Please call me at 310-220-5088 for a private conversation with me...