Jeannie Fitzsimmons is a best-selling author, speaker, transformational facilitator, poet, actor, and multi-platinum song-writer/composer.  Here are some of what is available for you as books, training, and more...

Although this page is still under are a few products for you to enjoy if you wish...Love Jeannie

As one of the authors in the series: "The Power Of Mentorship..Law Of Atraction..Special Edition" this book  is signed and individually mailed upon request.
$16.96 plus S/H

She has co-authored in 2 books in 2009, 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life" with Jack Canfield, John Gray, and many others you know. Here is the link to order that blue book Vol 2 Cover Photo above on the right. In this book, my Chapter is about helping you SEE CLEARLY and drop your glasses away--naturally. It is all about consciousness, and healing from within...and the emotions are the key! You will love this for I give LIFETIME tips for you to use to see better and better!
$15.96 plus S/H

As a writer, her intial self-journey of Awareness Awakening book is told through prose/poetry and stories, helping you to spreak your wings, for we are all in that transformational experience. I have discovered that EVERYTHING is simply brought forth through 'Divine Timing'. It is called "Beloved Reflections...One Woman's Journey Through The Fire of Life, to The Heart of Love" (available upon request only)  Awakened to who you truly Are--through the Fire of this life.
You are the gift that people are waiting hear your voice, to feel your heart, and to receive your love. Open the gift...for you serve everyone when you do. Be free TO love.
Like the painted tree on the right...emotions paint our life, so as the artist...let go of what creates other than the calm sea within, so that love can be shared for everyone to enjoy.
$28.95 plus S/H  

NOTE: At this time, whle Virginia Lloyd is preparing her own website...I am offering these products to you here.  in 2010 her Master Your Emotions book may be made available, however this course is based upon that book the foundation of her Sedona releasing work. This photo to the right is the cover of the 92-Page Interactive Workbook that is downloadable with the audio product.

FREE INTERVIEW CALL with Jeannie 'Viveka' FItzsimmons & Virginia Lloyd...about our Mastering Your Emotions audio Course:
HOME PAGE TOP LINK to hear a free call...and 


Namaste and Welcome
This page is still under construction. If you have been a seeker, or working to awaken, you will notice that it is the most intense, powerful and indepth work of your heart.
The photograph on the right of the massive iceberg, depicts the human dilemma...the journey...of uncovering our Loving Nature, and it  requires seeing what is 'beneath the surface' of our present awareness...and setting it free.  All human beings have a sub-conscious aspect that keeps us limited, stuck, feeling less than, in fear, and out of touch with our own inner wisdom and true nature.  Underneath it all you ARE the Dove of the photo to the right invites you to live. The Peace truly does begin with us...and relieving ourselves of what is hidden and out of sight, brings us to being able to live, share, fly, and serve from those wings fully OPEN!

My work is devoted to seeing and letting go of what is hidden. It is invited with love. Often it is the 'shadow of our own ego and wounding, deeply buried, and it is set underneath the surface of our awareness, for our seeming  protection'. This 'shadow' needs to be invited for viewing--in order to return that to Love as well. I love this visual of our challenge and we all have the heart to 'crack' it wide open.

Even though I do offer the releasing work, I also have developed other tools for wisdom to awaken, and that which is buried to come into view.
HeartWisdomWheel is one of those.

My introduction course HeartWIsdomWheel of Truth, Love, Happiness, & Enlightenment,  Interview Calls, and more will be available here soon, Also by clicking on the links of the home page below...there are FREE calls to listen to. 

You can see my releasing and letting go products:
Mastering Your Emotions...A Step by Step Guide Through the Feelings That Keep you from Love, Success and Happiness" 
Downloadable Audio Course--Just click on the link here and go to the AGFLAP Chart of Emotions Course on ny Home Page
and you can hear a FREE CALL...about how to
Master YOUR Emotions...

Based upon Virginia Lloyd's book--(being slightly revised and updated for Reprinting)...and a powerful mentor of mine beginning in 1980, Master Your Emotions, is the guide for this audio course. This very focused interactive course It is a gentle, easy-to-listen to 6 1/2 hours of wisdom and insight about your emotions and her AGFLAPCAP chart. After all of these years, I still consider this Chart of Emotions to be the 'cornerstone' of all of the releasing work taught around the world today.

This AGFLAP-CAP stands for (apathy, grief, lust, anger, pride, courageousness, acceptance and peace) Chart of Emotions by Virginia Lloyd..used when she developed the Sedona Institute Basic and Advanced Courses while co-founder for 17 years, with Lester Levenson, of Sedona Institute.

Although her book MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS is currently out of print, she has intention of making it available in the near future, and no doubt this will be on HER OWN website during this year,

It includes a powerful 92-page interactive  workbook, and more. Find out more for now at this URL:  while I am reorganizing my websites for worldwide launch. Soon I will simply be using throughout the evolution and shifting of direction!

Thank you for visiting this site, and please share it with your friends...Love and Blessings,
Jeannie 'Viveka' Fitzsimmons
April 2010

Each of us is LIGHT, LOVE & Awareness Itself. Awaken to THAT TRUTH
Do You Have Any Questions  Are you a 'veteran' Releaser? It ia great for everyone...CLICK TO EMAIL ME NOW!
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CLICK HERE: Interview of Jeannie on Marsh Engle Show!